STARLANDLER12 Privacy Policy

Starlandler12 is a completely free game to play. It can be downloaded from the App Store. The game is designed to be played on iPhone.

Below you will find informations regarding Starlandler12's privacy policy.
If you decided to download it, it means that you consented to the collection of information and its use as listed on this page.
Thank you for your downloading Starlandler12.

Information Collection and Usage

The Starlandler12 application uses third party services that may collect informations related to you.
Here is a link to the privacy policy of a third party that provides advertising in the form of a single banner at the top of the screen.

The purpose of data collection by the third party is:
- enabling the display of personalised advertisements to the user,
- creating statistics related to the display of advertisements.

Information regarding specific data processed by the third party can be found in the link provided below.
We encourage you to read these data.

The creator of Starlandler12 collects anonymous information such as application usage time or number of crashes for personal use only.
The above data is collected to analyse game performance, improve the game and fix possible bugs.

The creator of Starlandler12 reserves the right to change the privacy policy, about which will inform users with the app update.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write at:

Starlandler12's privacy policy was last updated on January 2, 2023.